Jim Whitley's Daddy Rabbit

Jim Whitley's Daddy Rabbit design is one of the most often seen and most competitive models used in SPA competition. Jim flew various versions of the Daddy Rabbit in the 60s and 70s. He won the AMA Nats in 1966 and was a USA Team Member at the World Championships in 1969 and 1971.

Ed Hartley borrowed the plane at right from Jim to draw the plans for Dennis Hunt's Zimpro Products Daddy Rabbit kits for SPA competition. Jim Whitley himself approved Ed's plans and sent a letter of approval and authentication to SPA. See the link below to view that letter.

Ed's CAD plans are drawn on five (5) sheets, mostly at 1/2 scale. However, if they are printed at full size, all necessary templates will be full size.

Phil Spelt worked with Dennis Hunt at Zimpro for years producing Daddy Rabbits. He provides some interesting history HERE.

Click on the links below to download the authentication letter and the plans.

The original May, 1967 Model Airplane News article and plans can be found here - http://outerzone.co.uk/plan_details.asp?ID=5535.

Kits are available from Eureka aircraft
Daddy Rabbit 1 (original)
and Daddy Rabbit 98 (similar to version above) http://eurekaaircraft.com/plan_kits/daddyrabbit98.htm

Below are some examples of Daddy Rabbits flown in SPA competition over the years.